Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Week 3!!

So I'm a little behind this week but that's only because we moved and have been unpacking and without internet. But we did have family night on Monday and this is how it went.

We started by having a lesson and showing Ty some pictures. It was really good because Ty kept pointing to the things we were talking about. Then it turned into taking pictures of funny faces Ty was doing and me and Josh trying to imitate them. You can decide the winner. haha

Face #1: The sideways " I don't really care what's going on here" look.

Face #2: The stick out your tongue face

Face #3: The "please stop taking pictures of me" face. :)

After we did family night and tried to copy Ty's faces Josh tried to wrestle with Ty. Ty didn't like it very much at first but then he started laughing!

Then he beat Josh!! pinned!